Dr. rer.pol. Hans von Saucken was born in Koenigsberg i.Pr. 01.11.1893, died in Riverdale, New York, 27.01.1966. He arrived with his family on 12.08.1938 in Qingdao. He first lived in Iltis Hook in First Taiping Jiao Road, but moved in 1943 to Chi Hsia Road 3. He had no knowledge of the Chinese language, but spoke English, French and Russian. The German Consulate was closed in June 1945. Dr. von Saucken and his family left Qingdao in January 1948 and went via Cuba to the U.S.A. – Dr. von Saucken’s daughter, Mrs. Vera Haldy-Regier (born in Qingdao in 1939) has published her autobiography with the title: „An irregular Girlhood in Hitler’s Shadow. A Memoir.“ New York 2006. This book contains also many notes on the biography of her father, the consul Dr. von Saucken.